Tuesday, July 5, 2011

and they're OFF!

The opening shot a direct attack, an oldie, but, a goodie.
(and the move isn't bad, either!)
King Pawn!
The reply leaves them neck and neck....


Lee said...

I'll take you up on it - mind you, haven't played it for a long time (as the Bishop said to the barmaid.)

boneman said...

OK, well, I'll bring the board to the top, and leave a move in the comments and we're on!

But, I'm not a Chess master...I am an enthusiastic amateur, though.

Being home court, I offer you White, as a gesture of friendship between men, and friendship among nations.
(Well, sillier things than Chess games have started wars...so, it's never a bad idea to invoke peace, eh?)

Online chess
Play online chess at chessworld.net